Saturday, December 15, 2007

Jim Rogers Interview

I listened to a very good interview with Jim Rogers. Jim Rogers helped found the Quantum fund with George Soros.

Rogers talks about his investment strategy and his ideas about investing in China. Rogers sees China as being a new frontier in investing, much like the US was in the early 1900s.

The low down:
  • The dollar is going down, get out of dollar denominated assets. You can check out for a bank account that will allow foreign currency trading. It's FDIC insured too.
  • Consinder investing in commodities (especially agriculture at the moment)
  • An easy way to play commodities is through ETFs and ETNs. Barclays has a number of these products.

    I thought it was an enlightening interview, and it made me think a little deeper about my investment strategy and search for markets that were less correlated with the US market.

    You can also find this on iTunes by looking for "dorsey wright & associates technical analysis podcast." There is a similar interview (text)in Forbes.
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