Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Resistance to Apple Products

I feel kind of like the blogger that missed the boat, but Apple products are great. You can think of me as the PC guy from the Apple commercials that taped a web cam to his forehead. So, I'll announce it here, I have given up on my stubborn Apple resistance, and decided to embrace the convenience. They seem to have done everything right in the recent past. iTunes is great, iPods work great, and this new iPhone shows promise. My next mp3 player (and maybe phone) will be an Apple product.

A great deal of my annoyance stemmed from the original difficulties of iTunes on the PC and early iPod problems that I watched my brother go through. I got to experience iTunes re-tagging all of my id3 tags to "Kate Ryan - Desenchante" (my favorite song btw). Even years later my resistance/fear of iTunes ran deep enough that I bought a Zune instead of an iPod. [This is what my buddy iJon the Apple Nerd thinks about my Zune].

I still don't see the benefit of owning a mac/power book. My new PC endorsement goes to HP. I think this resistance comes from my ingrained financial conservatism, the same reason I am rarely an early adopter of new tech gadgets. As far as computers are concerned, I don't like to pay a lot of money for all the necessary software. The open source era is upon us, and when it really takes off in the US I think we'll see some major changes in hardware sales. It might even be good for Apple, although I don't know what kind of revenues they generate with their MacOS. (comment if you know). I do know it would cripple their competitor in this arena, Microsoft. In summary, the cost vs utility of Apple computers clouded my judgment about the rest of their products. oops.

I just have to share how impressed I am with iTunes. I enjoy the free podcasts, the ease of use and the bug free functionality it has provided me over these last few weeks. So long Winamp... Way to ruin a great prospect AOL!

So now, after realizing I've missed the boat, I remind myself that in tech there's a boat leaving ever 10 min. I'm taking another step towards appreciating my urban lifestyle, I'm streamlining my media, becoming more efficient and breezing through all the podcasts I can listen to.

Next up. Comments about a God device (like the iPhone), and saying goodbye to TV.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to witness you finally "seeing the light." Just think, with an iPhone -- or even one of those new snazzy iPods -- you could get free video podcasts. ;)

Benton said...

Yes I could Jon, Yes I could... If you (or anyone else) wants to get rid of an "old school" ipod let me know.