I analyzed the ergonomics of my workspace and discovered why my back has been killing me. I sit all day long and haven't taken the proper care to adjust my chair and sit with the correct posture. I just assumed I was strong and healthy and that strength training and fitness would take care of me. Don't underestimate to detriment of sitting for 12 hours a day.
Quick Facts:
-Despite everything we know about back pain, ninety percent of us are going to have a disabling episode at some point in our lives. This often happens to people in their early 20s and above.
-Low back pain is the #2 reason that Americans see their doctor -- second only to colds and flus.
-Adjust your seating position (See links below)
-If injured avoid a sedentary lifestyle, you need to get your blood moving to heal.
-Exercising daily (getting your heart rate up for at least 20 min) will help you heal.
-Move around often when you are at work, take little walks and stretch.
This is really common sense, but there is a lot of good information below. It's worth reading and acting on if you work in an office all day.
Good information.
1 comment:
just surfed here from your 'Benton's new phone number' post, and felt like I should add something. :) You also have to make sure the angle created by your elbow is greater than 90ยบ, otherwise, you'll lose feeling in your outer fingers. Like me! I'm old! -S
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