Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Immigrants Leave Oklahoma

Oklahoma's new law to combat illegal immigration has had a significant affect on the immigrant populations in Oklahoma. The new law makes it a felony to harbor, transport or aid an illegal immigrant. This is having an affect on both legal and illegal immigrants.

Listen to the NPR report here.


Unknown said...

See ben, they won't let me come back. Bastards. Btw I am also cheap labor that the Oklahomans could have such a good use of./Paul (Swe)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It would also be extremely interesting if someone tried to find the relationship between tougher immigration laws and more expensive restaurant visits. No matter how populistic a politician might be he wouldn't want to staple a bill that raises the cost at the local restaurant

Benton said...

True Palle, there would have to be a relationship. I think that's one reason we can afford to eat in NYC, there is a strong immigrant population willing to help keep the restaurant labor prices down.

There is a large illegal immigrant population in the city, and I think it has actually brought crime rates down and helped the economy to thrive.

When lots of things people take for granted cost more money or aren't getting done I'm sure the Okies will start wishing they didn't shun their immigrants.