Monday, September 17, 2007

Erectile Dysfunction

Bill Maher made a really good point on his show Friday night. A clear sign that something is broken in this country is that in 6 years we haven't managed to erect anything at ground zero. I'm stealing Bill's words, but how can we rebuild in Iraq if we can't even rebuild in SoHo. He goes on to point out that the Eiffel Tower was built in 2 years by hand, and by French people!

So I say, what happened to the glorious we'll build it bigger and better Fuck-You-World Freedom Tower? On second thought, maybe it's for the best that it hasn't been built. The last thing I want when I walk through that area is a giant reminder that the US has screwed up so royally under the guise of promoting freedom. In fact, I don't want the Bush administration or any "Loyal Bushies" to have anything to do with a lasting piece of architecture in one of the most prominent skylines. One would think that something as symbolic as a gaping hole in your largest city would be worth a little political capital to cover up. But for once I'm going to take comfort in the incompetence of this administration and enjoy the sunshine that fills the area.

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