Saturday, September 29, 2007

Relax Toi and Breathe

I have found that one of the best ways to quickly relax myself and focus again is through a quick breathing exercise.

The breaths you want to take are deep "belly breaths." Inhale through your nose deeply and as your lungs fill allow your belly to expand. Breath in until your lungs and your belly feel expanded. When you exhale you can exhale through either your nose or your mouth. Both the breath in and the breath out are slow and controlled.

The first three breaths think only of having a "calm body."
The next three breaths think only of having a "calm mind."
The last three breaths think "smile" and smile.

It is good to have something specific to think about, otherwise you will be inclined to think of whatever is bothering you. During these nine breaths you have to control all other thoughts and think of nothing else.

Comment and let me know if you find these types of posts worthwhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice. i could use some of this...